
Images of what is hidden behind the siding. Design flaws and construction defects allow water to enter the building interior. The redwood siding is ideally suited for preventing detection.

Images of poor building practices. And areas being rebuilt due to shoddy construction. (A small sample)

Centennial grounds are graded to draw water and snow towards the buildings and keep it there thus exacerbating the problem of rain and melting snow entering the buildings from the roofs.

Images of the roof overhang system installed by owners in 1993-1994 to draw water away from the buildings and counteract the poor original design. Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority claims to be unaware that these large features were added to all the buildings or the reasons why they were needed. Therefore, APCHA did not provide any disclosure of water intrusion issues to dozens of buyers for more than 20 years.

Intersecting angles between the roof and walls create ice dams, the primary source of the water intrusion.

