Negligent Homeowners?!

        It must have been greatly disappointing for residents of Aspen and Pitkin County, their elected officials, and local press to learn from trusted government employees and a respected affordable housing developer that the owners of Centennial Condominiums had allowed this great community asset to fall into such disrepair that, short of tearing it down, millions of dollars would be needed for its reconstruction.**

While Centennial will require $3-$4 million in reconstruction, it was certainly not due to the negligence of the owners. Centennial HOA respectfully requests that these misrepresentations stop being offered.

Here are just a few examples of responsible, responsive action taken by the owners to stave off the inevitable failure of their shoddily-built homes during just their first decade





222 leak

Capital improvements, budgets and APCHA

Dryer vents 7_2_92

initial capital contibution

letter to owners regarding capital improvements 88-94

Wilson Proposal 91

Wilson proposal

Asst. City Manager Barry Crook has repeatedly insisted that Centennial owners were advised to spend nearly $1 million on repairs, replacements, and alterations to their decade-old buildings in the mid-1990’s and would not be in this predicament if they had done so. After nearly 30 years of severe damage due to the alleged inaction of its owners, Mr. Crook repeatedly insists that only $650,000 is necessary to correct current problems and prevent future damage. How is this possible?

View his reports to City Council HERE.

**Asst. City Manager Barry Crook and Centennial developer Sam Brown have offered numerous statements about the negligence of Centennial homeowners through the local press and official government memos and meetings. If not posted on this website, Centennial HOA can provide documentation.

